In the desktop version of the Telegram, the notification default can be enabled or disabled.The desktop version can encrypt the communication easier and the messages can be deleted after a specific period of time.Telegram desktop comes with a more intuitive interface and all that makes the user-friendly environment. The PC version also gives an opportunity to talk to the contacts that you have noted on your phone.Here, you can download the messaging history or edit the contact details. Telegram for PC has some different features in comparison to the mobile app.The user has the possibility to mute the contacts and the groups.Telegram on mobile gives an opportunity to migrate the phone numbers as long as adding the second phone number.Secret Telegram chat is one of the most important features of the Telegram mobile application. The built-in feature of the “secret chat” also offers encryption.The app will not give out the IP or phone address of the users. Telegram has an encrypted messaging system.One of the main pros of the Telegram app is that the user can create chats with a very large community that can include up to 200,000 individuals.Its main features are attaching and sharing photos, location, videos, and documents to the message and showing the availability status of contacts. Telegram claims to have a high speed and ephemeral combined all in one application.Features of Telegram App for Android & iPhone After opening the website, you will have to enter your phone number and type in the code that will be received on the phone.Open the browser on your PC and type Įither the website automatically recognizes the location, or you mark it in manually.Accessing Telegram on PC via the web can be done by following the simple steps: The Application has also a browser version which is referred to as Telegram Web. Telegram for PC can be accessed also via the browser.

Or you can enter the mobile number and or provide a personal access code received either on the Telegram mobile app or via SMS.

Choose the one that suits your operating system and accept it. In your web browser, type and you will see several versions of the application. Downloading the installation steps are following: Telegram has an official application that is suitable for Windows, macOS, and Linux.